What to Do If You Are in an Electric Scooter Accident in South Florida

by Ronald Rosen | Personal Injury
electric scooter

Bird, Bolt, Lime, Lyft, and Jump electric scooters shares now swarm city streets across Florida. While scooter companies tout these vehicles as environmentally friendly transportation alternatives, many people worry about the dangers they pose to the safety of other drivers and pedestrians.

It can be challenging to handle the aftermath of an electric scooter accident on your own. If you have been involved in an electric scooter accident – either as a rider, a driver of another vehicle, or a pedestrian – Rosen & Ohr, P.A. can help you pursue financial compensation. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today by phone or online to schedule a free consultation.

Avoiding Scooters Accidents in South Florida 

Electric scooter accidents have already caused several deaths and many injuries across the nation. Scooters are dangerous because they are harder to see, provide no protection for riders, are unstable, and are often ridden by inexperienced, young riders who engage in high-risk behaviors.

Protect yourself and others by:

  • Be cautious of your surroundings
  • Always wearing a helmet
  • Never riding a scooter on the sidewalk
  • Parking your scooter away from pedestrian pathways and accessibility ramps
  • Checking your scooter before your ride (Scooters companies do not regularly maintain scooters, and vandalism is common.)
  • Never riding without a valid driver’s license
  • Respecting all vehicles right to the road
  • Never ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

When You’re Injured in an Lime or Bird Scooter Accident

Whether you are a scooter rider, a scooter passenger, another driver, or a pedestrian, we recommend taking the following steps after a scooter accident:

  • Seek immediate medical attention, as some injuries involve delayed symptoms. A delay in treatment could cause serious and avoidable complications. Follow up with all doctor appointments, and adhere to your treatment plan.
  • Report the accident, usually by calling 911. Answer the officer’s questions honestly, but do not speculate or guess about anything you are unsure of.
  • Exchange information with the other parties involved in the accident, including names, contact information, license plate (if applicable), and insurance information.
  • Gather evidence at the scene. Get contact information from any witnesses, take pictures of the crash scene, take pictures of the vehicles involved,  and ask the investigating officer for a copy of the accident report number.
  • Keep documentation throughout the recovery process. Hold onto your medical bills, obtain documents specifying how much work you have missed, keep a journal detailing how your injuries affect your life, and keep copies of all documents relating to the crash.
  • Hire a lawyer to help you seek compensation for your accident-related losses. A lawyer can handle every step of the claims process, taking the burden off you while you focus on recovering from your injuries.  We recommend contacting a lawyer immediately to help preserve your claim and any evidence that may be need in order for you to obtain proper compensation.

Liability for Bird & Lime Scooters 

Fighting for compensation after an accident where the scooter rider is at fault can be difficult. Technically, though riders are financially responsible for the injuries they cause, often there may not be any insurance on the scooter to cover injuries. Unless a driver or rider has an umbrella policy, a homeowner’s insurance, or some other form of insurance coverage the applies to the scooter, there may not be a way to recover compensation.

If the accident was caused by a malfunctioning scooter, it is possible to pursue a claim against the company that sold the scooter or against the scooter manufacturer. However, the release agreements that scooter riders sign generally prevent scooter companies from being sued. However, it may still be possible to pursue compensation from a negligent scooter company or manufacturer.

It may also be possible to pursue compensation against a third party, including the city in which the accident occurred, another driver, a pedestrian, or a business.
To identify the liable party in your accident and determine the best course of action, contact a lawyer right away.

Contact Rosen & Ohr, Scooter Accident Attorneys in South Florida After Your Accident 

Rosen & Ohr has represented injured Floridians for over 45 years, recovering millions of dollars for our clients. We are ready to put our experience to work for you.

To learn more about how our lawyers can help you after an electric scooter accident in Hollywood or elsewhere in South Florida, call (954) 758-4848 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation.