How Does Lane Splitting Work in Hollywood, Florida?

Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist squeezes between cars that are stopped or slowed by traffic. By driving down the lines that split lanes, the motorcyclist is able to cruise through traffic, but this hazardous practice could result in a serious motorcycle accident. The practice can be seen on a daily basis on Florida roads, and it is as controversial as it is commonplace.
Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida?
No. Although lane splitting is extremely common in Florida, many people don’t realize that it is actually illegal. At the moment, the only state in the U.S. that has explicitly made lane splitting legal is California through a law passed in 2016.
Bikers in Florida could be issued a traffic citation for lane splitting if they are caught by law enforcement. If the lane splitting biker gets into an accident, the law could view their actions as negligent and they may be held liable for injuries and damage caused.
Does Lane Splitting Cause More Motorcycle Accidents?
At the heart of the debate about lane splitting is whether it causes accidents.
The evidence on this is inconclusive. Some studies, such as one done by the University of California at Berkeley, suggest that lane splitting is no more dangerous than any other motorcycle practice. In fact, some claim that lane splitting is actually safer for motorcycle riders because:
- Bikers won’t be caught in stop-and-go traffic, which could reduce the number of rear-end collisions.
- Instead of being stuck in between vehicles, motorcycle riders can maneuver out of traffic jams.
- Bikers can avoid truck or car accidents by “escaping” in between vehicles.
- In warmer climates like Florida, being able to get off the roadway reduces the risk of bikers overheating.
- Being able to get to their destination quicker reduces the biker’s time exposed to Florida’s dangerous roads.
Supporters of lane splitting also claim that by allowing bikers to move past traffic, overall congestion on the roads in Florida will decrease, benefitting every commuter.
What You Should Do If You’ve Been in a Florida Lane Splitting Accident
If you or someone you know has been in a lane splitting accident in Florida, you should first see a doctor and inform your insurance company, and then you should contact the motorcycle lawyers at Rosen & Ohr. For more than 45 years, our experienced Hollywood motorcycle attorneys have helped injured motorists just like you get the justice they are owed if they are hurt in an accident.
Even if you were splitting lanes at the time of the accident, you may still be entitled to compensation. There is no risk to hire us since we work on a contingency fee basis for injury claims. We won’t charge you attorney’s fees unless we secure compensation for you. Contact us by calling us, by filling out a contact form, or by chatting with us live on our site.